
  • GEL EARTHING ELCTRODE – Eco-Friendly way to Protect your Valuables…

Ash - Product's

Maintenance Free ‘Ash ‘ Gel Earthing Electrode by utilizing metal alloys and natural chemical compositions, the Gel Earthing Electrode is able to provide a multifaceted proactive earthing protection strategy. The Earthing Electrode is manufactured from custom-made I.S.I tube to ensure maximum conductivity and prolonged service life. The Gel Earthing Electrode contains a conductor rich crystalline mixture that will protect the main earth electord in the soil. This will ensure a highly conductive state for the fault current to pass on to earth.

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Our Ash Gel Earthing having a strength named Back Fill compound (B.F.C.), our unique back-fill-compound is a combination of natural earth minerals, which having hygroscopic property to retain the moisture for a long time. During installation with proper water pouring, our powder B.F.C. convert into the ‘gel’ and its quality to retain the moisture upto twenty times its dry volume as well as it create a gel layer surrounding of our electrode, our back-fill-compound is a combination of totally corrosion free and highly conductive & non-corrosive minerals.